Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lee Enterprises Protects Corrupt Politicians, Judges, County Attorneys and More in the State of Montana - Lee Enterprises - Lee Newspaper Chain Montana

Lee Enterprises soon to be named in a Federal RICO Lawsuit over a Montana Corruption Ring lasting Decades.  Lee Enterprises has a monopoly on the so called news in the State of Montana and Lee Enterprises seems to be above the Law, Above the Constitution and Answer to No One.

Lee Enterprises Reporters will call you and Lee Enterprises will interview and Lee Enterprises will think it odd that you want to record your call with a Lee Enterprises Reporter though you do NOT have to tell the Lee Enterprises Reporter in Montana that you are Recording the Call, as Montana is a Once Party Consent on the Call Recording issue.

Lee Enterprises know full well that the "Story" they are printing is bought and paid for by Montana Corruption, and when you bring the proof to the attention of Lee Enterprises, well you are the liar, story teller and Lee Enterprises is the AUTHORITY as Lee Enterprises is a major company and well Lee Enterprises has a corner on the news market in Montana, and many in MT still seem to "Believe" that what Lee Enterprises news outlets such as the Missoulian and the Ravalli Republic have to say is True, when in Fact they are the Media and they are protected ... so along with ad revenue, the Lee Enterprises Mafia also takes blood money to keep Montana Victims without Rights and to protect Corrupt Politicians in Montana, Corrupt Montana Judges, Corrupt Montana County Attorneys and to stand by the Criminals instead of the Victims...

Lee Enterprises is on the Wrong Side of the Moral Compass in Every Way.  Lee Enterprises is Corrupt in my opinion and has no intention of bringing you the real news.

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