Sunday, February 12, 2012

Is Lee Enterprises Lying to Shareholders, Stockholders? Is Lee Enterprises Breaking the Law?

"LEE Ent. just announced that on March 21, 2012 during their annual meeting of stockholders they will be seeking shareholder authorization to perform a reverse stock split.

That split will involve combining anywhere from 2 to 5 shares into 1.

Given the price of LEE Ent. stock, which is currently trading at $1.06/share, and continuing to fall, it could result in a "new" price of $2.12 to $5.30/share.

It would not do anything to restore benefits that have been stolen from employees, but it would change the "perception" of LEE's continued failure and Mary Junck's inability to move the Corporation forward with actual productive measures that would demonstrably increase the value of LEE Ent.

When you don't have any actual solutions, like Mary Junck, you reach into your black bag of magic tricks and pull a Houdini!"

Lee Stockholder Letter

Modified Lee Stockholder Letter.
"Source of Post, Sent in By Reader, Insider. Have a Tip LEE Enterprises Tip?

How Mary Junck got to the top.

The Lee Enterprises retirees in St. Louis made a video when Mary Junck took their health care benefits.  When you own a company like LEE, Mary Junk was more interested in making profits for herself than thanking the people who made her company what it was.

That is why I said Mary Junck is like a corporation, no feelings, maximize profits, crap on former employees who made Lee what it was.

Their singing needs a little work [no VOICE, no American Idols here, just former Lee Employees]

click on image to play the Lee retiree "jingle"

This is what Mary Junck is all about, the bottom line....HER company.  Well this is what the company thinks of Mary Junck.   Mary Junk is a corporation disguised as a human being.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mary Junk Letter to Shareholders and Employers. Is Lee Enterprises Mary Junk telling the Truth?

Have a Tip on possible criminal activity of Mary Junck or Lee Enterprises? Email your Tip to
"a PDF of Mary Junck's Jan 23, 2012 letter to Share Holders and Employees.

Note that FIRST, she denotes ONLY a 13% dilution in the value of Lee Ent. stock due to: "The refinancing extends the maturities of Lee's borrowings to December 2015 and April 2017 and included the issuance of 6,743,640 shares of Lee Common Stock, amounting to dilution of approximately 13% in the base of outstanding shares."

SO, LEE Ent. just issued a bunch of more worthless paper, to the tune of 6,743,640squares of toilet paper. Nothing backing these but blind faith.
NEXT, LEE Ent. is planning on pulling a Houdini by doing a "reverse stock split", whereby the total number of issued shares of LEE Ent. stock would be HALVED, thus having the effect of IMMEDIATELY DOUBLING their value, and catching DUMB and IGNORANT Investors off guard and having those not in the know thinking LEE Ent. did something worthwhile.
LEE Ent. is a desperate Corporation with a desperate CEO who is pulling every trick in the book to loot LEE Ent. dry before it collapses into a worthless heap.
From Investopedia:

Investopedia explains 'Reverse Stock Split'

For example, a 1-for-2 reverse split means you get half as many shares, but at twice the price. It's usually a bad sign if a company is forced to reverse split - firms do it to make their stock look more valuable when, in fact, nothing has changed. A company may also do a reverse split to avoid being delisted.

Read more:
"The refinancing extends the maturities of Lee's borrowings to December 2015 and April 2017 and included the issuance of 6,743,640 shares of Lee Common Stock, amounting to dilution of approximately 13% in the base of outstanding shares.

Implementation required a voluntary, prepackaged Chapter 11 process that successfully concluded on January 30, 2012."
Thank you for holding LEE Ent. and their worthless Juncks' feet to the fire."

Source: Send in By Reader

Mary Junck's Jan 23, 2012 letter to Share Holders and Employees.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Mary Junck to be Chairman of the AP, this is BAD News for NEWS Everywhere..

The AP takes a Story, Such as the Crystal L. Cox Blogger sued story, writes up one version of reality then sends it to ALL media outlets and the TV news who uses that same story without every looking into any of the documented facts.

Questions and Information Sent in By Reader. 
"Mary Junck has been named to lead the AP Board. Looking at the 2010 financial report for AP I find that they reported a loss of $14,722,000 for 2010.

They also ended their defined benefit pension plan for new Employees on Jan 15,2006. Further, they have engaged in aggressive staff cutting measures. IF I am reading the income tax accounting correctly (and I'm NOT sure) , the AP didn't pay income taxes in 2010 and instead collected $7,762,000 in "welfare benefits" from the taxpayers.

I also see under Long term debt they have a revolving credit line of $200M - HMM... could this be used to keep LEE Ent. going by reducing AP costs to LEE newspapers while the AP goes into debt?

Might Mary Junck be able to raid the pension plan assets of the AP to use creatively to assist LEE with on-going income requirements?"

PDF on AP, Audit Commitee

Have a Tip On Mary Junck, Lee Enterprises, or anything in this post?
Email me at

"Mary E. Junck, the CEO of newspaper publisher Lee Enterprises Inc., was named chairman of The Associated Press board of directors Thursday."
Source of Quote and Full Article

This is Disastrous, Lee Enterprises funds corruption by printing lies, and paid by politics and big companies to cover up crimes.. in my experience.  Lee Enterprise is the Kingpin of Corruption in towns and cities across this land, in my experience.  Paid to print lies and protect corruption.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mary Junck must RESIGN.

Davenport, Iowa (AP)*  The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Lee Enterprises Inc. Mary Junck is encouraged to resign.  Lee employees deserve a capable leader to bring the troubled newspaper company out of $1 Billion dollars debt, and encourage higher standards within the rank and file editors at Lee.  The abusive leadership of Mary Junck has driven Lee into Bankruptcy.
Mary Junck--gives new meaning to Junk,
junk newspaper standards, and product in the USA.

Mary Junck raided Lee Enterprises employees medical coverage, took bonuses to do so, then ran the company into Bankruptcy in a Delaware Court with more than $1 Billion dollars in liability.  This is not a leader who works for the benefit of her employees who worked hard to build Lee Enterprises.

Mary Junck oversees a news corporation who serially defames American citizens to make favors and get paid by local and state governments where her newspapers are located;  proof, firsthand knowledge for the State of Montana: where Lee has a monopoly for print media.

The vindictive use of power of the pen by Mary Junck's Lee have caused Americans to suffer and die, while Lee requests Bankruptcy protections for those actions.

Lee's Missoulian in Western Montana covers ALLEGED kitten abuse as front page news: the suspect killed themselves due to the coverage by Lee Enterprises.

Missoulian reports suicide of man they harassed with their media indiscretions:

 Citizen victims of Lee could enjoy more than 30 articles which included false arrests, publication of convictions that were not even charged, and misrepresentations of court proceedings by Lee reporters.  Mary Junck after ignoring her assistant in Davenport, as well as her Board in 2007 to stop the barrage of Lee's Media.  It did not stop.

Now most people think Lee Enterprises Sucks: due to Mary Junck.

Mary Junk as a corporation (see next post below) was too important for her employees, her readers, or even her AP board as the "retirement" of the Chairman Tom Curley was directly due to paying a favor for Mary Junck, and the abuse of the AP story process to maintaining Lee's abuse to other newspapers.

MARY JUNCK convinced the AP
peaceful assembly IS trespassing in Tom Curley's demise:
and her gain!

Publisher resigned 10 days after this video was launched in Missoula MT
MISSOULIAN=Lee Enterprises flagship in W. Montana
[abuse of employees for Mary Junck's gain]

Dear CEO Junk: your abuse of Lee EMPLOYEES, CUSTOMERS, ran up of a $1B in debt, and abused journalistic principles for "donations" from States, NGO's, US Senators doing their "bidding" for them.  The FBI calles this work racketeering, but should only reinforce Junk's resignation.

Newspapers are constitutionally protected to provide information, not destroy reputations.  Mary Junck is not capable of running Lee within ethical and business standards as print media.

That is disgusting, and Mary Junck needs to go.  In disgrace after the acceptance of failure.

These were Junck's problems, without a conscience, more like a corporation than a human being.  Junck needs help, and find some forgiveness and understanding in a Buddhist Temple somewhere in far east Asia.  America is too ashamed of Lee's behavior.  Let someone else with strong standards, and higher respect for Lee employees reform this disgraced company.
note: AP* stands for ALL PEOPLE.